Investing in Global Education: Four U.S. Universities Receive $1 Million Each for Study Abroad Programs

Investing in Global Education: Four U.S. Universities Receive $1 Million Each for Study Abroad Programs

Investing in Global Education: Four U.S. Universities Receive $1 Million Each for Study Abroad Programs

In a significant move to boost international education, the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) has awarded $1 million in funding to four U.S. higher education institutions. Arizona State University, Borough of Manhattan Community College, Northeastern University, and UC San Diego are the fortunate recipients, chosen from a competitive pool of 21 proposals. This funding, part of CIEE’s Pledge to Lead Change in Study Abroad, aims to establish innovative study abroad programs that will enhance both institutional goals and student outcomes over the next four years.

A Bold Vision for the Future

The initiative is not just about providing financial support but about setting an example of how well-designed international exchange programs can positively impact college enrollments, student retention, graduation rates, and employability. Each institution has committed to matching the $1 million grant, creating a combined $8 million fund dedicated to expanding study abroad opportunities in diverse regions including Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe.

James P. Pellow, President and CEO of CIEE, described the selected proposals as “ambitious and truly impressive,” highlighting their focus on first-year programs, support for first-generation and Pell-eligible students, initiatives for engineers and women in science, and programs centered on experiential learning and global service.

Transformational Programs for Diverse Student Populations

Arizona State University (ASU) plans to leverage this funding to enhance its Early Start Global Accelerator Program. This initiative targets high-risk, first-year students, providing them with an immersive experience on environmental sustainability and culture in Costa Rica's cloud forest. ASU's Executive Vice President and University Provost, Nancy Gonzales, emphasized the transformational impact of study abroad on student retention and persistence to graduation, particularly for students from lower-income families.

Northeastern University will utilize the grant to develop two-week public health programs in Botswana and Ghana, primarily for students from diverse backgrounds who qualify for Federal Pell grants. This effort aims to increase equity and inclusion in the university’s international offerings.

UC San Diego is set to launch the Global Internship program, which prioritizes underserved populations. The program will involve 8-week internships during students’ first summer, serving as a launch point for participation in UC San Diego's The Basement’s Entrepreneurship programs. Alysson Satterlund, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life, highlighted the importance of these internships in enriching students' academic journeys and preparing them for a diverse and interconnected world.

Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) will use its matching grant to establish the BMCC Global Scholars Program. This initiative aims to benefit 1,000 students over four years through international internships, service programs, and faculty-led honors programs. BMCC President Anthony E. Munroe stressed the program’s role in broadening students' horizons, enhancing their adaptability, communication skills, and fostering global citizenship.

Looking Ahead

These grants represent a significant investment in the future of international education, with the potential to transform the academic and professional trajectories of thousands of students. By immersing students in different cultures and environments, these programs will not only broaden their perspectives but also equip them with the skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly globalized world.

As these universities embark on their new initiatives, they stand as role models for other institutions, showcasing the profound impact that thoughtfully designed study abroad programs can have on student success. The collaboration between CIEE and these forward-thinking institutions exemplifies a commitment to fostering global education and ensuring that more students have the opportunity to benefit from international experiences.

Stay tuned as these programs develop and begin to shape the future leaders of our global community.