About Us

Why Gravitate Overseas ?

Gravitate Overseas is professional, competent, and proficient in advising on international education. It was founded in 2018 with the intention of providing comprehensive and beneficial service to those seeking assistance with overseas education, visa assistance, and career counseling. It is one of the most prominent visa consultants offering IELTS/PTE/GRE coaching, university application shortlisting, Visa assistance, pre- and post- departure assistance and overseas housing.

With Gravitate Overseas, studying in foreign country is no longer a burden. We are one of the fastest growing companies in India and our employees are highly qualified. Gravitate Overseas has years of experience placing students for international education. We serve as your companion and guide throughout the entire placement procedure in a foreign country. We offer services for Overseas Education, Immigration and other visa services for Switzerland, Canada, The United States, The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand among many others.

Gravitate Overseas enables thousands of students to fulfill their aspirations of studying abroad each year by assisting them in exploring courses and opportunities in the country of their choice and empowering them to launch their careers with and international degree. We believe in shaping careers with great attention and responsibilities.


Gravitate Overseas is an organization that assists individuals in reaching their full potential by assisting them in achieving their educational and professional goals in a foreign country. By providing students with thorough counseling and support throughout the process of visa application. we hope tp establish ourselves as a recognized visa company that makes it possible for students to study abroad without experiencing any difficulties and realize their aspirations.


Our mission at Gravitate Overseas is to streamline the visa process for Students and Professionals seeking overseas education and employment. We strive to provide our clients with expert guidance, individualized support, and Dependable visa solutions that simplify complex procedures, ensuring their success in obtaining a student visa or work permit. We are committed to providing exceptional service that enables individuals to embark on international journeys with confidence by leveraging our extensive knowledge and industry expertise.


Our Primary objective is to assist students in fulfilling their desire to study abroad. to increase the likelihood of successful visa outcomes, we strive to provide current information, comprehensive visa guidance, and hassle-free document preparation.

Gravitate Overseas strives for the utmost level of client satisfaction by providing prompt, trustworthy, and transparent service. We endeavor to establish long-term connections with our clients by providing superior customer service and individualized attention throughout the visa application process.

We are committed to remaining up-to-date on the most recent visa policies, regulations, and industry developments. Our aim is to continuously increase our knowledge, broaden our network of resources, and enhance our service offerings in order to meet the changing requirements of our clients and provide superior visa consulting services.

Our Management

Ankit Vasani

Ankit Vasani is a remarkable person who possesses a strong passion for managing university ties, visa processes, university engagements, and development. His area of expertise is in managing the numerous processes that are required to obtain visas, which enables these persons to have a smooth transfer. Ankit Vasani has demonstrated a dedication to the cultivation of university ties, which contributes to the development of mutually beneficial relationships. These relationships are to the benefit of the institutions as well as the stakeholders in those institutions.

Chirag Vataliya

Chirag Vataliya is an outstanding expert who performs exceptionally well in our organization’s operations management role. Mr. Chirag is in charge of advising and directing students as they navigation the challenging process of applying for student visas in order to pursue educational opportunities. The students are equipped with the knowledge they need to effectively traverse the difficulties of the visa application process because of Mr. Chirag’s efforts to ensure that they obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding visa requirements and procedures.

Nikunj Dudhat

Nikunj Dudhat is in charge of marketing and finances at the company. Mr. Nikunj is an asset to the company in terms of the strategic marketing of the company’s services. He has a strong understanding of the business. Market research, branding, amd internet marketing are among the promotional tactics that he employs for the organization. Mr. Nikunj is responsible for overseeing the organization’s budgeting, financial planning, and report writing processes carefully. Because of his analytical skills and careful nature, he is able to plan for and find ways to improve the company’s financial situation. Mr. Nikunj’s skill in marketing and finance contributes to the expansion of visa counseling.

Our Team

Darshana Amliwala

Darshana Amliwala

Visa Counsellor at Ghod Dod Road Branch

Shruti Devani

Shruti Devani

Europe Counsellor

Diya Beladiya

Diya Beladiya

Switzerland Counsellor

Vaibhav Sukhadiya

Vaibhav Sukhadiya

Graphic Designer

Richa Chauhan

Richa Chauhan

Content Writer

Amisha Chaklasiya

Amisha Chaklasiya

Canada/Australia/UK/New Zealand Counselor

Arun Modi

Arun Modi

Partner at Ghod Dod Road Branch

Arzoo Amirali

Arzoo Amirali

Manager at Ghod Dod Road branch

Sashi Sharmila Yenne

Sashi Sharmila Yenne

IELTS Faculty


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