IDP Education Announces Major Cuts Amid Challenging Market Conditions

IDP Education Announces Major Cuts Amid Challenging Market Conditions

IDP Education Announces Major Cuts Amid Challenging Market Conditions

IDP Education has announced significant cost-cutting measures in response to restrictive policies in key study destinations, including Australia, Canada, and the UK. This move comes as the company prepares for a projected 20-25% shrinkage in the international education market over the next 12 months.

Facing Restrictive Policies

In a recent update to investors, IDP Education highlighted the impact of recent policy changes in major study destinations. The Australian government aims to cut net overseas migration by 50% by 2024/25, Canada has introduced a two-year cap on study permits, and the UK has raised the skilled worker salary threshold while banning dependents.

Projected Market Shrinkage

IDP Education anticipates a 20-25% reduction in the size of the international education market within the next year. Visa data shows a 20-30% decline in study permit volumes for Australia, the UK, and Canada in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year. These figures underscore the significant challenges the sector is facing.

Short-Term Financial Concerns

IDP is particularly concerned about the falling demand for IELTS testing, predicting a 15-20% decline in the volume of test-takers in 2025. This decline is critical as IDP manages the IELTS testing franchise in India, one of the largest sources of international students globally.

Cost Reduction Program

To align expenses with the near-term revenue outlook, IDP Education will implement a cost reduction program for 2025. Despite these cuts, the company reassured stakeholders that it would retain its experienced global staff and that the operating footprint would remain unaffected.

Maintaining Market Share

Despite the tough market conditions, IDP remains optimistic about increasing its market share. The company forecasts a 15-20% growth in student placements in alternative destinations like New Zealand, Germany, and Ireland. The US is also expected to gain market share as it addresses a domestic demographic decline of university-aged students.

Growth in Alternative Markets

Recent data from the US Department of State shows a 7% increase in international student flows in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period in 2023. This growth highlights the potential for alternative markets to attract more international students amid tightening policies in traditional destinations.

Impact on Share Price

The Financial Review in Australia reported a significant drop in IDP's share price following the announcement, with a 38% decline over six months and a 12% drop on June 6 before recovering to close down 6.5% at $14.68. This reflects investor concerns about the company's future amid the challenging market environment.

Looking Ahead

While the immediate outlook for the international education market is challenging, IDP Education is positioning itself to navigate these difficulties and capitalize on growth opportunities in alternative markets. The company's strategic adjustments aim to ensure long-term sustainability and continued success in student placements.


IDP Education's announcement of significant cuts underscores the current challenges facing the international education sector. However, the company's focus on strategic growth in alternative markets and maintaining a strong operational base suggests a resilient approach to overcoming these obstacles. As the landscape evolves, IDP remains committed to supporting international education and enhancing its market position.